I wisely chose the opening topic for this space.
It’s something important to me and useful to others; something I care so much that I spread positive vibration talking about it: travel. The hinge of my existence and a metaphor of Life.
I want to focus on the meaning of “little moments” made of places, meetings, colors and perfumes: precious frames that touch deeply the human Soul, going beyond languages and cultures.
The kind of travel I talk about happens because of a choice, not a necessity (wars, persecutions, poverty). It’s a solo female travel with a short amount of money and experienced only in the “first world” Countries. We’re far from Countries that don’t allow free movements or places crossed by popular upraises.
Travelling, then.
The way we re-act to who and what we find in foreign lands says something about us. Talks about us the way we face the unexpected, the colors, the scents, the tastes. Those are occasions to learn something more about ourselves.
Seldom we go for a trip without goals or reasons. Everything is worth: entertainment, culture, food, tricks. The variables combine themselves in original ways. All of them have one least common denominator: being lived to the fullest. Our mind and attention are totally in the “moment”.
During a trip often we find ourselves benevolent towards the fickleness of fate: when happens, the unexpected is welcomed. How easy become moving from “plan A” to “plan B”! We have to learn from our positive disposition and learn how to apply it in the everyday life (“when” and “if” possible).
This positive process invested also in preparation (before) and return (after).
Before: accommodations to book, tickets to buy, itineraries to define, information to collect and prices to compare. We’re both nervous and excited. We are sitting in front of our computer screen or in a travel agency when our mind starts to run towards new destinations. It feels like our mind was already there waiting for us to come and experience that place with all our senses.
After: the experiences become an unicum, indefinable in form as recognizable in flavor. Now an energetic imprint of travel is inside us, useful to recall vivid memories even after years… like we never completely left.
As human beings, from the dawn of civilization, we feed ourselves with stories and, through them, influence each other reciprocally. We use stories to change beliefs, knowledge, ideals, feelings and emotions. We need images drawn also by narrating voices. We report and share first-hand experiences with the others who weren’t there.
Exchanging images and words we create invisible networks (withpositive potentials). How? Choosing to tell “the good”, to collect “the best practices” to apply, to make the best out of negative experiences. Act revolutionary: give space to the good existing around you!
© Photo by Irene Lorenzini